Waterline Renewal Technologies

Providence Strives for Superior Conditions in Water Infrastructures


The city of Providence is very conscientious of water quality and climate change, both of which have created new challenges for utilities.  Particularly, the effects of rising sea levels and the likelihood of more severe rainstorms. The city has been making improvements to better prepare treatment plants and pump stations against flooding, storm surge, and other severe weather effects.  When a series of heavy rain events overflowed the Pawcatuck and Pawtuxet rivers, flooding greatly affected two major pump stations. Recently, a conducted study showed several of Rhode Island’s major treatment plants would see substantial flooding during a 100-year storm when climate impacts are factored in. The study proposed adaptive strategies for flood-proofing; elevating or relocating equipment or systems. A goal for future designs include improvements that would provide continuous operation up to a specified flood elevation. The state plans to lean on its wastewater plant operators as it implements the study’s recommendations and continues to adapt to climate change.

All of the outlined projects in the future will aim to restore water quality in the Greater Narragansett Bay watershed, as well as, remain focused on storm water runoff. Runoff from storms can carry nutrients, such as nitrates from lawn fertilizers, into water bodies, leading to algae blooms that can cause low-oxygen conditions; a detriment to fish and shellfish. Additional projects which will best divert and treat runoff will also include the use of natural solutions, such as the construction of rain gardens, and artificial wetlands.

Providence, you’re invited!! Perma-Liner Industries requests your attendance at our Open House in Anaheim, CA. It’s taking place for three days from June 13th –June 15th and we want to see you there! It’ll be chock-full of live demonstrations and information on all of the CIPP technology available. Don’t miss this! Call us to confirm your reservation @ 1-866-336-2568

Waterline Renewal Technologies
Waterline Renewal Technologies